The Metronome Meditation
By Wendy Gayle
This is simple meditation to help people slow down internally and shift their nervous system and energy to a slower pace and more centered place.
Please close your eyes and imagine a metronome moving back and forth inside of you at a pace that matches how you feel inside.
Take a deep breath and, as you do, slow the pace of the metronome by half and continue to breath.
Allow a 1-2 minutes to go by and then repeat:
Take another deep breath and, as you do, slow the pace of the metronome by half again and continue to breath.
Allow 1-3 minutes to go by and then repeat:
Take another deep breath and, as you do, slow the pace of the metronome by half again and continue to breath.
Repeat as needed to slow down and center
Your heart is intelligent!
It contains 40,000 neurons in it and it can heal faster than you may think possible
Set Up:
Today you are going to tune into a feeling that is very positive to you.
You can pick the feeling of love or comfort, happiness or strength or something else;
As long as it feels very very good to you.
Pick just one good feeling to focus on today and you can try another on your own whenever you want.
If you need some extra help, you can think of something that would make you really happy like a wonderful puppy licking your face, a hug from someone you love, winning a game or a race, or a beautiful place you’d like to visit and imagine how that would feel. Anything your heart can imagine that would make you feel really good.
Now close your eyes and bring your attention to your heart. Take a few deep breaths. (Pause for ½ a minute to a minute)
Take your right hand and place it over the center of your chest and just rest it there. This will give your heart an added feeling of connection and support. Take a few more deep breaths. (Pause for ½ a minute to a minute)
Now imagine taking your good feeling and all its wonderful energy and begin to fill your heart with it. Fill your heart with love, joy, happiness or strength and imagine your heart taking it all in.
Notice that your heart knows how to take goodness in and keep it.
Take about 5 minutes to build your good feeling in your heart and you can also picture it as a light filling in your whole body.
Repeat this heart exercise 2-3 times a day for 3-5 minutes each time and your heart and mind will begin to remember your good feeling more and more each day. After a few weeks you will feel a true strengthening of the good feeling inside of you everyday.
Bilateral Music for Nervous System and Emotional Balance
Bilateral Sounds and Bilateral Music help the brain regulate and the nervous system calm down.
It’s great to play when you feel overwhelmed or triggered.
It works by alternately stimulating each hemisphere of the brain, and it brings a sense of calm when things are tough.
There are a lot of bilateral music choices out there and a lot of it can be listened to for free on SoundCloud, itunes and YouTube.
Here’s are a few favorites:
The Dawning of a New Day by David Grand
Oceanic Feeling by David Grand
EDMR Bilateral Healing Music for Stress, Anxiety and Nerves by 111 Frequency:
Stream of Consciousness Writing Exercise
(Adapted from The Artists Way By Julia Cameron (Morning Pages)
The Set Up:
There all 2 main rules for this writing exercise.
Rule 1:
Everything you write will remain private. This isn’t saved or shared with anyone else.
This is a letting go exercise where deep and private feelings are given a completely safe space to be expressed.
Rule 2:
Don’t edit, judge or worry about what you write.
***Remember, feelings are just…Feelings. Actions can be wrong, but strong feelings are compressed emotional energy that needs to be brought to the surface of consciousness and accepted with compassion.
Feelings can be hard to process! What makes us the most upset is often rooted in multiple hard events we have been through, so we should be compassionate towards the part of us that’s having a hard time.
Your writing doesn’t have to make sense or look pretty. Its venting so let yourself have it. Again, this is a letting go exercise. Its purpose is to vent feelings in a safe space and then release them.
The Exercise:
Take a few deep breaths and try and ground, ask yourself what you are feeling and begin to write.
Start wherever you are:
You can even start by writing, “I don’t know what I’m feeling” or “I don’t want to feel my feelings. The most important thing is to get in a flow; Write anything and everything that comes to you without editing. Emotions need a non-judgmental space to be expressed and getting them off your chest will help you feel lighter.
Give yourself 15-20 minutes to do this.
When To Stop:
Stop writing when you have gotten most of your feelings out & you feel kind of empty.
However, while anger is a great thing to vent, make sure you get underneath the anger and also write about more vulnerable feelings like fear and grief.
Stream of Consciousness Writing Exercise #3
Wrapping It Up
When you’re empty, get a separate paper or document & write at least 3 positive, encouraging or loving things to yourself in response to everything you’re feeling.
Step into your inner healer and let words of support andencouragement flow through you.
You should be proud of yourself for taking the time to notice how you’re feeling inside and for giving yourself some time to support those feelings.
Examples of positive things you might say:
“Good job! You got a lot of feelings out.”
“Wow, be kind to yourself. You’re dealing with a lot of really hardthings right now. Anyone would be having a hard time with all of this”
“Be kind. You’re doing your best to make it through this really hard time and that’s not an easy thing to do.”
Last step:
Rip It Up, Shred It or Press CTRL ALT DEL and Erase That Document! Let It Go!
Great Job!